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What is the death rate for Covid-19? Do we know? (Short answer: no, not even close.)

Is Covid-19 real?


Is Covid-19 contagious?


Have people died from Covid-19?


But none of those topics are the subject of this video.

This video is about simple algebra and how not understanding a basic calculation can lead you down a terrifying path of irrational anxiety. I might also lead you to being one of those who, in this state of fear, is demanding that the whole world be ruined to make you feel safer.

So, about all that math you swore you'd never use? If you aren't proficient, you are deeply disadvantaged in most areas of your life. You are susceptible to being cheated, manipulated, and harmed.

Brush up on your algebra and take charge of your own brain. My favorite algebra book (and the one all six of my kids have completed as part of their homeschooling) is Harold Jacob's Elementary Algebra. This is the edition we used, but there appears to be a newer one as well.

Below I will continue to update this post with other sources that show the problematic nature of calculating this quotient, some simply because of lack of data and some that intentionally skew the data. (And I hope you're wondering why anyone would want to skew the data in the first place.)

Ultimately I'm all about science being about facts, not about using it as a way to meet an agenda or to influence people to do what is deemed for our (or someone else's good).

Be safe and free out there!

Additional Information About Covid-19

Alison Moore Smith is a 60-year-old entrepreneur. She has been (very happily) married to Samuel M. Smith for 39 years. They are parents of six incredible children and grandparents to two astounding grandsons.

She is the author of The 7 Success Habits of Homeschoolers.

Join her on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, X, and (barely) TikTok.