Good Midlife Hacks

Reopen America – Easy 3 Step Plan

Shutdowns across the nation have taken a toll on everyone. While some politicians have demanded a myopic focus on Covid-19 deaths, the obvious and predictable collateral damage began to happen. Both isolation and unemployment carry well-documented increases in: Child...

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Call Me a First Wave Feminist

Are you a feminist or not? You can call me a first wave feminist. All for equal rights but not wearing a pussy hat for any amount of cash and prizes. And yet, here I am to analyze one of my least favorite, nonsensical anti-feminist quotes. Our generation is becoming...

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Easy Midlife Goal Setting Plus Resources

It's a new year and a new decade! This year has been rough for me in many ways. In the grand scope of history, I cannot complain about my general life. Even in the grand scope of modern American life, I have so much to be grateful for. I know this intellectually....

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Joe Biden’s Losing It – Someone Help!

Is Joe Biden’s memory failing? After the Biden leg hair debacle video surfaced—and so many other super cringe moments—I honestly have to ask if he’s got some kind of dementia or other serious aging issue. Usually I’m good for a joke at the expense of a political...

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