Midlife Minute – Volume 1 • Issue 1

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Hello, friends! Alison Moore Smith here. If you’re reading this, you signed up sometime in the past 17 years 😂 on one of my websites, at a conference session, or in a live class. Actual newsletters have been few and far between and I haven’t sent one in years. But I have something to tell you!

We have a new venture, Midlife Credo, that began last July. We’d like to invite you to be part of this fun, free, fabulous community! We are people in our 40s, 50s, and 60s, supporting each other as we do amazing things. (As opposed to relaxing on a weekly cruise while using massive doses of anti-aging products. 🙅🏼‍♀️)

Midlife Credo began last May when my fifth kiddo (of six) graduated from our homeschool and suddenly I realized I was 54 years old. 😳 Still trying to figure out how that happened, but it pushed me into thinking long and hard about how to spend the second half (generous math happening there) of my life. I decided I would rather spend it thriving than in a midlife crisis.

If you are a kindred spirit, we need you!

Social Cred

So far, we have a presence on all major social media channels and a new Facebook group for discussion and friendship. In the future, we hope to provide information, resources, and a midlife cruise. (OK, really though. I want to go on a cruise. Wanna come along?)

In the meantime, check out some of our channels and let us know what you want to see, hear, and talk about! We’re doing some fun stuff, some cool stuff, and figuring out how to make the mundane stuff less boring and tedious. You can find us on:

📺  YouTube

📸  Instagram

💁🏻‍♀️  Facebook

🐦  Twitter

📌  Pinterest

🕸  MidlifeCredo.com


Newsletters will only be sent on Thursdays. They will be short, sweet updates of our goings on and will always include some cool tidbits we’ve found.

Of course you are free to 😢 unsubscribe (below) if what we're offering is no longer of interest to you. But we sure hope you’ll stick around and give us a chance to provide some value. We could use your experience and expertise in the community!

If you know someone else who is looking for a midlife community, please forward this newsletter to them!

Until next week,

Alison Moore Smith
VP of Crisis Management

Join the Midlife Tribe Facebook group!